Terms of use

These terms of use regulate access to the Italian Business Register in order to consult official data of Italian companies.

The data can be consulted by extracting information schedules in English.

The list of available schedules and the related charges due by the user are shown in the attached table.

Access to the Italian Business Register is subject to registration in the manner indicated on the portal (italianbusinessregister.it).

The charges due by the user for extracting the information schedules are paid by a credit card accepted by the system or other payment method made available by the system itself. Subsequently, on the e-mail indicated in the registration phase, the user will receive the transaction references and the summary of the operation(s) carried out.

The extracted schedules will be available for consultation by the user in a special area of the portal, within 36 hours from the time of payment. The schedules will remain available in the aforementioned area for 30 days. After this period they will no longer be viewable by the user.

Access to the portal is guaranteed for 24 hours a day, except for temporary limitations due to maintenance activities or in any case of extraordinary technical interventions.

Registration will be automatically deactivated after 90 days without the user having accessed the portal. In this case, the user must register again.

The contents of the portal and the schedules that can be consulted may be subject to changes or modifications at any time. The charges due by the user and the content of these terms of use may also be subject to change. The aforementioned variations will be given visibility within the portal.

The user acknowledges that the resale, computer distribution and/or reproduction and/or dissemination of copies in any form (mechanical, printed, IT, etc.) of the extracted schedules is expressly prohibited.

The portal guarantees only the correspondence of the reports provided with those contained in the official archives of the Italian Chambers of Commerce on the date indicated at the time of extraction. InfoCamere does not assume any obligation nor give any guarantee that is not expressly provided for in these terms of use.

The registration on the portal determines the acceptance and the obligation of the user to respect the present terms of use.

These terms of use are governed by Italian law.

These terms of use are written in English


Table of documents and charges*



Company Registration Report**

5.00/3.50/3.00 €

Annual Account

2.50 €

List of companies (each list request)

5.00 €

Companies Address List (for each occurrence)

0.02 €

Companies Extended List (for each occurrence)

0.12 €

* Administration fees provided by decree by the Ministry for Economic Development of 17 July 2012.

** Cost depends on company legal form


Information pursuant to art. 13 of EU regulation n. 2016/679 "General data protection regulation"

Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR") relating to the protection of individuals with regard to personal data processing, the following information is provided relative to the data entered by the User during registration to the portal: italianbusinessregister.it

Data Controller

InfoCamere SCpA, the computer consortium company of the Italian Chambers of Commerce, is the Data Controller of the personal data that the User enters during registration to the portal italianbusinessregister.it (hereinafter the "Data").

InfoCamere - whose institutional website is www.infocamere.it - has its registered office in Rome, Via G.B. Morgagni, 13 and is reachable by e-mail at the address protocollopec.infocamere.it.

Processing purpose and legal basis

In compliance with current legislation on personal data protection, and without the need for specific consent from the data subject, the Data is acquired and processed by InfoCamere S.C.p.A. in the interest and on behalf of the Chambers of Commerce, for the following purposes:

  1. Stipulation and execution of the contract and management of any pre-contractual measures
  2. Fulfilment of legal obligations and obligations related to administrative-accounting activities
  3. When the User accesses the Service, the computer system automatically verifies the correspondence between the data supplied and those present in the archives of InfoCamere.

The provision of data for the aforementioned purposes is necessary in order to comply with the User's request to access the portal.

The legal basis of processing is represented by art. 6, paragraph 1, letter b) of the GDPR, since the data processing is necessary for the execution of a contract that the data subject is a party to or for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the same. With reference to the purposes referred to in letter b), the legal basis of the processing is represented by the art. 6, paragraph 1, letter c) as the data processing is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation the Data Controller is subject to.

In execution of the contract, the data relating to the operations carried out by the User are recorded in order to allow charging for the services provided and any assistance to the User.

The logs of the User's connection sessions to the Service are also recorded, which may be used, anonymously, to allow for the necessary technical checks in the event of Service malfunctions or for any timely checks on the User's request.

Data processing method

The data processing for the aforementioned purposes is carried out in a lawful and correct manner, through the use of electronic and/or IT tools, in compliance with the appropriate technical and organisational measures capable of guaranteeing that the processing is carried out in accordance with the GDPR.

The Data is accessible only to personnel who have been instructed for the correct processing for this purpose, in accordance with the principles of lawfulness and relevance of the processing referred to in the GDPR, and are in no way communicated or disseminated in violation of rules of law.

Potential recipients of the data

The Data may be processed by third party companies, or controlled or connected bodies, in order to carry out some services connected or instrumental to the provision of the Service (for example the support and assistance service to the User). If the legal requirements exist, the aforementioned third-party companies and controlled or connected bodies are specifically designated as external data processors pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR.

The Data, together with the operations carried out by the User to which the Data is traceable, including the Service access logs, may be transmitted by InfoCamere to the Judicial Authority if specifically requested, in accordance with current legislation.

Data storage time

The Data are kept for the time necessary to allow the User to use the Service, and are subsequently maintained for the fulfilment of the fiscal duties of the Data Controller, as well as to fulfil the obligations required by current legislation.

Additional data processing purposes and legal basis

With the explicit and specific consent of the User, the Data may also be processed for:

  1. The development of studies, research and market statistics by InfoCamere and the Chambers of Commerce.
  2. Sending informative and/or promotional material by InfoCamere or companies belonging to the InfoCamere group (meaning ICONTO, IC Outsourcing and Ecocerved) or the Italian Chambers of Commerce regarding services aimed at promoting Italian companies abroad with traditional or automated methods (e-mail).

In this case, the legal basis of the processing is represented by art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the GDPR, as the data subject has given his/her consent to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes.

The aforementioned consent is entirely optional and, therefore, failure to give consent does not prevent access to the Service.

At any time, the User has the right to revoke the consent given, using the appropriate function available on the site.

Data subjects rights

The User, as a data subject, may at any time exercise the rights to access personal data and other rights provided for in articles 15 and following of the GDPR, in order to obtain confirmation of the existence of data concerning them, to access, rectify, cancel the data or to limit their processing or to request their portability, by sending a specific request, via e-mail or certified email to "protocollo@pec.infocamere.it". Furthermore, the data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the protection of personal data if they consider that the processing of their personal data is carried out in violation of the GDPR.

Data protection manager

The Data Controller has appointed the Data Protection Manager. You can contact the Data Protection Manager by e-mail or certified e-mail at the address "rpd@pec.infocamere.it".